Introduction to Creating and Sustaining a Trauma-Informed Organization

  • November 29, 2023
  • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • virtual via zoom


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The Androscoggin Community Health Stakeholder Coalition invite members and Lewiston/Auburn invitees to attend this program. 

Introduction to Creating and Sustaining a Trauma-Informed Organization

Trauma informed organizations recognize the opportunity for relationships to help heal and prevent further trauma at their core. Becoming trauma-informed engages the entire organization to consider opportunities for practices and policies to support healing and prevent further harm by considering the six trauma informed care principles.

This training is an opportunity to orient people to trauma-informed practice by defining trauma and its common impacts, describing trauma-informed principles, and thinking about the next steps for organizations to consider working in this area.

No Cost Professional Development Training via ZOOM

November 29, 2023

1:00-2:30 PM

The Androscoggin Community Health Stakeholder Coalition in partnership with the Maine Resilience Building Network would like to thank the  Simmons Foundation for their support.

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@2022 MRBN All rights reserved. Maine Youth Thriving (formerly Maine Resilience Building Network) is a 501(c)(3) public health nonprofit.

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