Maine Resilience Building Network

The Maine Resilience Building Network (MRBN) is a statewide public health 501(c)(3) organization with a network reaching more than 2,400 individuals and organizations across Maine. MRBN is at the forefront of thought leadership and action to bring about awareness and change that addresses the systemic inequities and root causes of poor public health and health-related outcomes related to ACEs.

Recognized as a leader, convener, catalyst, and critical resource for organizations, businesses, communities, education leaders, and staff, MRBN creates systems change and policy to improve the health and well-being of Maine's children and families. MRBN hosts statewide network meetings, offers professional development and training programs, and contributes to state and local policy development.

Our Mission

MRBN supports Maine’s communities by promoting research-based resilience practices that foster positive environments, experiences and relationships, ensuring a healthy, connected, and flourishing future for all our young people.

Our Vision

MRBN envisions a future where every young person in Maine has the ability to flourish in a healthy, supportive, and nurturing community.

Our Values

  • Advance systems change and improve public policy building capacity to address the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), enhance resilience and protective factors, and integrate trauma-informed practices throughout organizations statewide.

  • Promote resilience by enhancing social-emotional protective factors. 
  • Cultivate Youth Mattering in Maine Communities. Mattering is strongly connected to the protective factor of social connectedness. The US CDC's National Center on Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) recognizes social connectedness as one of the five priority social determinants of health (SDOH) that can impact health and health equity. MRBN launched Cultivating Mattering for Maine Youth in response to data and research that makes a compelling case for community involvement in promoting mental health and well-being among young people. The upstream approach to prevention will improve Maine's rates of diseases of despair, including substance misuse and suicide. 
  • Cultivate a trauma-informed workforce in private and public sectors where all employers and employees are trained in trauma-informed/trauma-responsive concepts to support organizational and individual wellness. 
  • Utilize continuous program evaluation for quality improvement and to demonstrate effectiveness. 
  • Use data to inform communities, sectors, programs, and policymakers. 
  • Provide statewide leadership to educate and mobilize communities and sectors to connect and support children and families' social and emotional well-being using a dual generational approach. 
  • Continue building the MRBN network's statewide capacity through professional development as a thought leader and convener to cultivate and support high-quality strategies to build resilience in Maine.

@2022 MRBN All rights reserved.                              Maine Resilience Building Network is a 501(c)(3) public health nonprofit.

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