Vicarious Trauma 101

  • August 11, 2022
  • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Virtual Via Zoom


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Vicarious Trauma 101

August 11, 2022


This training is open to all who work to support individuals, youth, and families in public health or community agencies. Those who work in systems directly supporting children and families are at risk for compassion fatigue or vicarious trauma, especially as we consider the environments and pressures in which staff and leaders are working. This training intends to help participants identify areas of impact, understand acute and chronic stress, and help build personal and professional resilience strategies that buffer against the impact of exposure.

Melissa Doyle, MSW is the Resilience Strategy Director at the Maine Resilience Building Network (MRBN). A clinical social worker, Melissa brings over fifteen years of experience in the trauma field. Additionally, she has provided leadership support and training around vicarious trauma and secondary traumatic stress for those who work with traumatized individuals and families. She works to promote trauma informed practices across systems. 

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@2022 MRBN All rights reserved. Maine Youth Thriving (formerly Maine Resilience Building Network) is a 501(c)(3) public health nonprofit.

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