Rhode Island Home Visitation Program Strong Kids, Strong Families, Strong Communities 2-Parts

  • November 10, 2020
  • November 17, 2020
  • 2 sessions
  • November 10, 2020, 1:00 PM 2:30 PM (EST)
  • November 17, 2020, 1:00 PM 2:30 PM (EST)
  • via zoom meeting platform
  • 43


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Strong Kids, Strong Families, Strong Communities: Free 2-Part Professional Development Training for Home Visitors Part 1:  Investing in the Well-Being of Children Early in Life. Nov 10th 1:00-2:30pm

Part 2:  Advancing a Trauma-Informed Approach Within Home Visitation Programs. Nov. 17th 1:00-2:30pm

This training will review the science of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences), adverse community environments, and the impact of toxic stress on the brain to understand stress activation for the child and family. Science is showing that resilience and flourishing is possible even in the midst of adversity. Resilience can be developed at any age and the role of positive experiences will be reviewed. Asset-informed, trauma-sensitive approaches that strengthen child and family connections to support long-term health and well-being will be shared. The virtual event will provide an opportunity for new learning, application, and understanding through self-reflection, breakout room assignments with peers, report and full group discussion and online networking with other Home Visitation professionals. 

By the end of the series, participants will demonstrate these Learning Objectives:  

1) Increase knowledge of healthy brain development, including the impact of ACEs and toxic stress 2) Increase knowledge of the impact of Adverse Community Environments that set the context for ACEs 2) Increase knowledge of the importance of safe relationships, positive experiences, and protective factors 4) Increase knowledge in successful strategies to build stress resilience & well-being, especially amidst COVID

@2022 MRBN All rights reserved. Maine Youth Thriving (formerly Maine Resilience Building Network) is a 501(c)(3) public health nonprofit.

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