The Why and How of Trauma-Informed Care: A Life Course Approach to Understanding the Trajectory of Tobacco Use

  • October 23, 2019
  • 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Samoset Resort, Rockland, Maine

This full day workshop will provide an overview of the ACEs science and evidence demonstrating the long-term consequences of early life adversity on tobacco use. The workshop will introduce trauma-informed care principles and practices and the importance of integration into tobacco cessation and prevention programs.  

The speaker is Dr. Shanta Dube, Associate Professor at Georgia State University. Dr. Dube has been engaged in ACEs research for two decades.

Workshop Objectives:

1.   To summarize the contribution of ACEs on tobacco and other substance use across the life span.

2.   To describe trauma-informed principles.

3.   To demonstrate trauma-informed practices as it applies to tobacco and substance use.


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