3 Quick Practices to Boost Resilience Tenfold

August 09, 2024 1:30 PM | Elaine Theriault-Currier (Administrator)

If you're anything like me, August is when you find yourself repeating to all of your friends and colleagues, "Wow, this summer really flew by!"

As we bid farewell to the long-anticipated, hot summer days, we may also feel a glimmer of hope for routine and normalcy. The kids go back to school and we all reset our calendars for more predictable weeks ahead. Phew! As you get back into your routine, here are three very simple things you can incorporate into your morning that will make a big impact.


When we set positive intentions, we override the unintentional feelings and behaviors that often flood our day, like frustration, impatience or anger. As soon as you wake up in the morning, sit up in your bed (straight spine), close your eyes and relax your body. Take a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth and then set an intention for the day that is important to you. Think: Today, I will be kind to myself. Today I will be patient with others. Today I will give generously. Today I will be present with my childrenRevisit your intention throughout the day and find ways to follow through.


Before your day officially begins, I want you to find three ways to celebrate how awesome you are! Your brain doesn't know the difference between celebrating a huge award or celebrating when you remember to floss your teeth! Acknowledging the small wins impacts your emotions in a positive way. If you start your day celebrating yourself, your performance throughout the day will soar. Think: I got up early today. I moved my body this morning. I sat down and ate breakfast. I took a quiet moment for myself.


Oprah was on to something with gratitude journals, but you'll benefit more by approaching your entire life with an attitude of gratitude. This means appreciating things big and small throughout your day. Gratitude will change how you see the world, and creates a filter through which you experience more joy, happiness and physical and emotional health! Think: I’m grateful to wake up this morning and feel good. I’m grateful I get to have breakfast with my family. I really appreciate that my partner ran that errand. It was so kind of my friend to call and check on me.

What We're Loving

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  • Back-to-School Help from Dr. Becky (learn)

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